About us
The New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (NBSMLT) was born in 1948 as a provincial branch of the CSLT (Canadian Society for Laboratory Technologists) now renamed CSMLS (Canadian Society of Medical Laboratory Science).
The NBSMLT is the regulatory body for Medical Laboratory Technologists in New Brunswick, constituted under the Act respecting Medical Laboratory Technologists of New Brunswick (1991). New Brunswick was the second province to regulate Medical Laboratory Technology in Canada. As such, the NBSMLT issues licenses to individuals who meet the requirements to practice in the profession of Medical Laboratory Technologist, ensuring that diagnostic laboratory testing in New Brunswick is performed by qualified professionals in order to assure protection of public safety.
The practice of Medical Laboratory Technology is defined as the performance of medical laboratory investigations (testing) and the evaluation of the technical sufficiency of such investigations and their results. It may also include practice in the areas of medical laboratory administration, education, information systems, specimen collection, handling and accessioning and medical research.
The NBSMLT consists of approx. 650 licensed registrants, is administered by a board of directors, consisting of 7 directors and 1 public representative and employs 1.4 administrative staff.
In addition, the NBSMLT has numerous representations on a wide variety of provincial and national committees and organizations. The board of directors meets monthly in addition to the Annual General Meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend the AGM as guests.
A medical laboratory technologist must maintain a high standard of practice in a fast-paced and rapidly changing workplace environment through continuing education. The NBSMLT has hosted major conferences and sponsors several scholarships for its registrants and students.
Roles of the NBSMLT: Regulatory vs. Advocacy
Regulatory: Primary role of Public Protection
As a regulator accountable for the public protection by ensuring members are competent, the NBSMLT:
- Establishes requirements for licensure collaborating with inter-provincial regulatory partners
- Registers and renews licenses
- Establishes, monitors, and enforces Act, Bylaws, Policies, Code of Ethics, Continuing Education (Professional Improvement Program), and Practice Hours
- Provides advice to public, members and employers with respect to legislation
- Establishes and maintains complaint process
NBSMLT acts in the interest of the public to:
- Review and develop Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) legislation
- Engage and collaborate with members for better regulation and professional practice
- Promote public/patient safety
Advocacy: NBSMLT has a secondary role in promoting the professional interest of its members within the public interest:
- Represent MLTs to the government, employers, and other agencies in the interest of the public
- Encourage leadership and member engagement
- Provide educational resources and opportunities
- Work collaboratively with other healthcare organizations
NBSMLT does not :
- Negotiate collective agreements including hours, benefits, and compensation
- Manage conditions of employment or employment legislative provisions or act on issues of employer non-compliance with respect to collective agreement
- Represent MLT interests with respect to employment human resource issues
What is the difference between the CSMLS & NBSMLT? CLICK HERE