CSTM Conference Grant
Saturday, May 1, 2021
NBSMLT CSTM Virtual Symposium GRANT
Planning on attending the Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine virtual conference this year?
Apply for one $200 NBSMLT grant!
Send a type-written request letter in a Word document indicating the following:
- Name & job title
- Email, phone number, workplace, region
- Indicate if in good standing with bylaws and standards of NBSMLT & CSMLS
- Write a short (minimum 250 word) paragraph of how, when and where you have volunteered for the MLT profession in the last 5 years at the academy, provincial, or national levels.
- Indicate if you have received any type of continuing education funding in the last 3 years from your employer, NBSMLT, CSMLS or Union.
-Include proof of paid registration
- Email your request before June 1st to office@nbsmlt.nb.ca.
***NBSMLT Members Only. Only selected recipients will be contacted *** If you would like to become a member of the NBSMLT or inquire about volunteer opportunities, please contact office@nbsmlt.nb.ca