APSC - Call for Speakers

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Annual Provincial Scientific Conference (APSC) 2022 Call for Speakers

Attention all medical laboratory professionals! The NBSMLT plans to host our first ever virtual conference in the Spring of 2022. We need YOU. If you have any interesting case studies, experience with new technology, exciting stories, or anything else you think the laboratory professionals of the province would like to hear please contact us.

Please include the following information:

• Your name and job title

• Institution you are associated with

• Tentative title of your talk

• A quick synopsis of your lecture

Speaker slots will be 1 hour long, so lectures should last approximately 45 minutes to leave time for questions.

This is a great opportunity to share your expertise and connect with colleagues province wide.

Interested applicants should forward their information to Tiffany Clouston at Tiffany.Clouston@HorizonNB.ca no later than January 31st, 2022.