Program launched
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Program Launched
To Recognize Competencies
To Recognize Competencies
DIEPPE, December 2, 2013 - The CCNB officially launched its new Medical Laboratory Technology - Bridging (MLTB) program today in Dieppe. This program, developed in cooperation with the New Brunswick Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists (NBSMLT), will enable professionals in the field who have been educated internationally to obtain Canadian certification to work in New Brunswick. It is the only program of this kind offered in both official languages in Canada.
The bridging program is for a maximum of 32 weeks and is designed as a sustainable model that will be accessible across Canada. It includes online theory courses, and technical and general skills courses required for entering the Canadian health system. The MLTB also includes a mentoring program that will make it easier to integrate into the system. The practical component of the program is offered and evaluated in a simulated medical laboratory and during a practicum which takes place in a hospital setting.
The need for such a program was raised by the NBSMLT, which forecasts a serious shortage of workers in this field, as half of the medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) in New Brunswick will be eligible for retirement in the next 10 years. The bridging program was developed in response to this anticipated shortage, since 90% of internationally educated technologists must satisfy Canadian standards.
“As a professional association, we must make sure there are enough medical laboratory technologists in New Brunswick to satisfy the demand. The bridging program offers participants an equal opportunity to enter the profession right here in New Brunswick," explained Janelle Bourgeois, Executive Director of the NBSMLT.
For internationally educated MLTs who want to take the program, a file review is done by the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS), which determines the person's level of knowledge and skills in relation to Canadian standards. This makes it possible to establish needs and leads to a personalized learning plan. Once the learning plan has been completed and the candidate has been admitted into the CCNB, training can begin, either in the country of origin or here, in Canada. Successful completion of the program can lead to national certification, which is required to work as a medical laboratory technologist in New Brunswick.
“The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science is excited to see the launch of a new bridging program in Atlantic Canada. Bridging programs are the most effective way to help internationally educated medical laboratory technologists (IEMLTs) meet Canadian standards and successfully integrate into the workforce”, says Christine Nielsen, CSMLS Chief Executive Officer. “Our experience has shown that the certification examination pass rate for IEMLTs who have completed a bridging program is at or above the pass rate for Canadian educated medical laboratory technologists.”
For the CCNB, such a program makes it possible to meet a pressing need in New Brunswick. “We are pleased to have worked with experts in the field to prepare a program that meets the needs of the labour market as well as those of technologists from here and elsewhere. Through our cooperation, we have been able to set up a national calibre program that people from across Canada can benefit from," emphasized Liane Roy, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CCNB.
Pictured below are Claude Allard, director at CCNB - Campus de Dieppe, Janelle Bourgeois, executive director of the New Brunswick Society for Medical Laboratory Technologists, Liane Roy, president and chief executive officer at CCNB, Christine Nielsen, chief executive officer of the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, Hélène Cadinot, internationally educated medical laboratory technologist and Daniel Comeau, director of Distance Education at CCNB.

Source: Mandy Poitras, Communication Officer, CCNB, 506-735-2511,